Monday, December 22, 2008

so apparently the people on my team think that because they threw this software at me to figure out how to use, I'm now an IT person or something. Anytime something in the program goes wrong (like actual computer/network errors) they come to me "what's wrong with it?" How the hell am I supposed to know?? I'm not technical support! blah.

Friday, December 12, 2008

So I worked through a couple of lunches this week and was supposed to work through lunch today and get off at 1, but noooooo. Miha is out until 2.30, which was planned, but then Helene's kid gets all sick and she has to go to school and pick him up like he's a big baby...freakin' 8 year Anyway, now I have to stay until Miha gets back because someone on our team has to be here to sign travel signatures for scholars that are going to be traveling abroad over break.

In retaliation, I am going to be here for the next hour and a half to sign travel sigs if someone *happens* to come by and need one, but I am not going to do any other work. I think it's a good compromise.

Then I have to go home, go to Target and then CLEAN THE WHOLE HOUSE!!! Ok, not quite the whole house. Only the rooms my guests will be in this weekend. So I don't have to clean...Brad's room. lol.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well I didn't get the magician's assistant job. I didn't even make it past the 2nd interview. I thought I had a good chance, but I guess there was something they didn't like. Oh well.

I DID buy my plane tickets to go visit Lenz in Korea, w00t w00t!! I'm going at the end of April and will be there on her birthday (score). Kinda sucks that I bought them around Christmas, when I'm going to have to buy a bunch of other stuff (now that I'm not a college student I don't get to use that as an excuse for not buying presents because I don't have any moneys), but I wanted to get them early. I'm super excited--I finally get to put a stamp in a passport that I've already had for over a year. I'm going to eat sushi and witness Starcraft on TV and it will be awesome.

My bellydance show is this weekend and it's going to be sweet. I'm happy that all my Columbia friends who didn't love me enough to make the trek up to Kville will be coming to see me dance for the first time. I'm a little bit nervous because I know a bunch of people from work are coming and the show is called WOMAN: God, Sex, and My Body--it's a bit racy. I am glad that Miha (my boss) says David (HER boss) isn't going to come. I'm in the dance that's supposed to be THE sex scene and I just don't think he would handle it well. It's going to be awesome though.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

At MU they make your network username by using your last name + first initial. There's this department contact that we have named Giovanni Vignale and every time I see vignaleg I'm like "wtf, vagina leg??"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My boss just left for the afternoon, w00t! Did I tell you that I wrote an entire international foods cookbook over the course of the last couple months? Pictures and everything--it's pretty sweet. I think I'm going to start studying some Russian while I'm at work. It's definitely not *worse* than work, and I'd like to try and stay on top of it. I don't want my degree to become completely worthless, and if I go to grad school any time soon it will probably be in Russian.

Thanksgiving was...ok. I showed up at 1.30 and my dad was drunk (i'm a chip off the ol' block, eh?). I hate it when he's drunk, for various reasons. For one thing, he pretty much doesn't think twice about driving after he's been drinking from what I can see. He drank ALL DAY on Thanksgiving and then he drove himself and Carol to the motel. boo. Also, my idea of a good time isn't listening to some drunk guy sentimentally try and tell me about all the wisdom he's collected in his day as though I've never seen an American movie. I also don't really enjoy hearing this guy ask about my life and then tell me everything will be ok and I will do well with whatever I try to do when I've never really been the one between the two of us who seemed to be worried about that. All I remember is him telling me that my major wasn't good enough and I wasn't making the right choices and now that it's all over he wants to tell me not to worry and everything will be ok? I obviously decidedly knew that when I ignored all his attempts to try and change my decisions.

But then I got drunk with everybody else and I didn't have to listen to him as much anymore. Also, Zac was ok.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When I talk to people I don't know very well, I FEEL my face doing retarded things but i CAN'T MAKE IT STOP

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So Elizabeth is having trouble with nosebleeds because her nose is really dried out. Her solution? snort water. best idea ever. it's water, so it hydrates, right? These are the people I work with.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I've actually been fairly busy at work lately. It's kind of nice.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So the only person at the office that I would really consider my "friend" is leaving to go to another office on campus :-( I want to get her a small parting gift, but I have no idea what to get. Do you guys have any suggestions?

Also, I was redditing (surprise) and came across this headline: "Forget Red vs. Blue -- It's the Educated vs. People Easily Fooled by Propaganda" and I was like "wtf does that have to do with Halo?" lol...

Friday, November 7, 2008

So my boss just came over and was all telling me how my e-mail that I send to the departments to come get J documents is ok, but I need to change this and this and just clean it up and make it more professional and blahblahblah...just not up to par, you know?

I use a template that I copied and pasted from what SHE used to send out before I got here AND I cleaned it up a little bit because it was fucking sloppy in the first place.


My job is dildos.

Monday, November 3, 2008

People at work are always apologizing when they leave filing and shit at my desk when I'm not there. It's weird. It's like "Hey, sorry I left you this work that we hired you to do." What do they think they pay me for?

And I just found a piece of paper at the printer that has a chart of the "Culture Shock Curve" and one of the dips down is labeled "This place is a**hole" loller.
Maybe I'll tell my boss that I'm voting tomorrow and take a couple of paid hours off of work. Thank you US government!

Also, since my visit to Boulder I have become obsessed with Metalocalypse and I've spent all morning (interspersed with various actual work-related tasks) reading about Dethklok. That show ownzors--hilariously metal.

Also, I think I'll start a Quote of the Day. Today's quote of the day:

We will make everything black. Blacker than the blackest black times infinity. --Nathan Explosion of Dethklok

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm going to get my free flu shot today. No, I'm not. I can't remember the last time I got a flu shot. I'm annoyed that people seem to think I "should" get a flu shot. In fact, I'm annoyed at people for getting flu shots, getting mildly sick, and then going around giving the flu to the people who didn't get one. maybe if they quit getting flu shots the flu would just disappear. DID THEY EVER THINK OF THAT???

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I can't hear (read, whatev) the word "operational" without hearing Admiral Ackbar echo it in my head.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I love the sound of high heels on wet pavement. It's so Gotham City.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I really wish they had hired the boy that plays video games, instead of the woman lawyer with 2 kids. Now I have to sit next to this person with whom the only thing I have in common is a vagina. lame :-(
so my boss wanted me to check with this department to make sure that a couple of things were correct on this form that they sent us, and one of the things that she wanted me to check is that the guy is actually from China because his name looks middle Eastern. The thing is, though, it's not like they had to choose from a drop-down menu and maybe they accidentally picked China--they had to write it in. Secondly, country of birth, country of citizenship, and country of legal permanent residence are 3 different blanks, and they all say China. You'd have to be pretty dumb to make that mistake 3 times. I mean, maybe the guy had middle Eastern parents or something but was born in China, eh? whatever, this is dumb.

Also, I've been using my down time at work to make an international foods cookbook. it's pretty fun. makes me kind of hungry though. lenz, you should let me know of some sweet Korean recipes.
ugh. I do NOT want to be here today.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married"- George Burns

I like it. Also, I just heard Meghan say from behind me "What kind of (academic) program has their meeting in a bar?" I was like "...the best one?" I think it ended up being communication, lol. Drinking is how I get better at communication too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

When I end up doing something that's not on my To Do list, I like to write it on there and cross it off anyway. It makes me feel like I'm getting more done.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

For my gamer friends:

A gaming theme park?? Sounds freakin' sweet. Until I read it and found out that it's based on a medieval times RPG. That's like going to a Ren Fest to do things that you do at home with your nerdy friends. Not that that's bad, but having worked there for a while, the novelty of the Renaissance Festival has pretty much worn off...except for the behind-the-scenes action with all the nice potheads, drug dealers, crazies, and generally just good people to know. But I digress.

A gaming theme park would be just about the best thing ever. Who has never wanted to play a real-life game of their favorite FPS? "Here's an energy sword and a sticky grenade. Good luck fucker!" No worries, you'll respawn...eventually.
When I first started working here, it discouraged me that it seemed to be so hard for me to break in and become friends with people. I thought that perhaps one reason people don't open up to me is that I don't show enough interest in them--I don't ask them questions about themselves, their interests, what they're doing, etc. So I thought hey, maybe if I try to show more interest in people they would be more interested in conversing with me and getting to know me better. And then I had a realization: I don't show interest in these people because I'm not interested in them. I really don't give a shit if your son just started swimming lessons, you don't like Obama OR Palin (oops, I mean McCain?), or if you had a good weekend. I don't care if you're working on a tough case or how your grad classes are going. When I leave work, it stays here at work, along with all these people. It's like a part of my life that doesn't count.

I'll start making posts about something other than work sometime, probably. But I did start this blog to write on when i'm bored at work, so...yeah
So the new scholar advisor who sits next to me came over to me and was like "Erica" and then she was just laughing and i was like "uhh..." I had no idea why she was giggling, but apparently I was supposed to know because she didn't really explain it. and then she said something like "do you just sit over here and stay out of it?" wtf?? i gathered that she was giggling in reference to whatever the hell the people at Elizabeth's door were talking about. I was like "uhm, yeah." Apparently they were talking about last night's debate or something. Really, I could not care less about what the people I work with are talking about, so it's really easy for me to just "sit over here and stay out of it"--I just ignore everybody. I just thought it was funny that she was all giggling about something that I was obviously supposed to know about and I just kind of looked at her like ". . ."

/sigh my posts are dumb, huh?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I was supposed to have a team meeting at 1.30 today and I wanted to ask if there were any new projects I could start on, but now it's been postponed until Thursday and my supervisor is REALLYSUPERZOMGBUSY with meetings and stuff. I guess I'll just read the internet some more.
I'm listening to a song called "Home Honey I'm High." lol.

Monday, October 6, 2008

there is a roomful of women exclaiming and giggling within my earshot. i am not amused.
the step that I'm writing in my Manual (which, I think, should get a new name, other than Tracker Manual. I'm looking for suggestions) right now is called How to Open the Portal. it's not as cool as it sounds, but I feel all mystic-y
so right now I'm supposed to be WRITING A MANUAL about how to use this new software program that we are trying to incorporate. I'm not sure how I'm in any way qualified to do this other than I'm the only one in the office who has fucked around with it for any significant amount of time. I feel like I've kind of got a nice unspoken agreement with my boss though. She doesn't check on me too much or ask what I'm doing with my time, and i don't mention that she gives me the most meaningless bullshit tasks in the whole office and that a monkey could do my ridiculously stupid and easy job. That makes it so that on days when I'm supposed to be doing things like "writing a manual," I can spend my day on things like browsing the internet and starting new blogs. I also think I'm getting more used to hanging out at a computer all day. It still sucks my balls that I'm in a cubicle in a basement and there are no windows, but at least I'm coping better and learning how to find amusing things on the blag-o-tubes. if anyone has any interesting websites for me to check out, let me know.


zomg, i R creat a blog on the blag-o-sphere. seriously though, I sit here at the International Center "working" all day and coming up with what I'm sure are quite amusing anecdotes, epithets, fake words, musings, and other things that make me sound smart and it's just a shame that no one else gets to hear these jewels. SO NOW YOU CAN!! All 3 of you that I plan on telling about it. Also, it will give me something to do while I'm at work besides reading reddit, xkcd, and bash and occasionally completely random tasks my boss gives me. And i get bored a lot, so expect lots of small, useless input throughout the day. kbai.